Summit at the ramps

By Rule 56 (other events)

Saturday, November 19 2016 7:00 PM 10:00 PM BST

Rule 56, Roller Girl Gang, and The Works Skatepark are joining forces to bring together skates and ramps and derby all under one roof!  

Bring your skates and have a go on the ramps. Whether you're experienced, a novice, or somehwere in between, coaches will be on hand to help you develop skills or teach you something new, including lending you a BMX to try.

If you just fancy a night off wheels, just chill in the cafe space with us.  Have a nosh and a natter and a tipple.  

We're opening this event to local leagues, so this is a proper good opportunity to see those faces you've not caught up with in awhile.  

Important other stuff to know!

Registration questions!  The Works, with funding support from Sportivate, is waiving its usual £15 membership fee for folks coming to the party and will be providing coaches for free!  When you buy your ticket we'll be asking you some registration questions which will be sent to Sportivate as part of the funding agreement.  This info will not be used or shared for any other purpose. 

Event photo by Jason Ruffell, Roller Derby on Film.


So as you know! We will be running a system of wrist bands, one colour for drinkers and one for skaters.  If you are drinking, we can't let you skate (trust us, you'll thank us for that one...).   You're welcome to skate for a bit, change your wristband and sit back with a brew.